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Writer's pictureThe Royal Butler


The Great British public are famously known as pet lovers, however these days that can be said in quite a few other countries as well. As we see our beloved pets become more than just the dog or the cat as they become our Bobo, Cuddles and Precious and are very much now part of the family. Gone are the days of sleeping outside in the cold dark kennel and hello to a palatial bedroom which may even consist of a four poster bed, with a gold water bowl and special lifts to get up and down one’s stair case. Yes, it really is a dog’s life! In fact, I even know some dogs that are looked after better than your other half. 

Now what we have to try to remember is that our beloved children may not be viewed in the same light when they decided to jump on your ex best friend’s luxury sofa or have a lovely roll around after a lovely walk outside while enjoying a mud bath, on their newly laid cream carpet; Yes, the joys of ex-best friends. But animal lovers across the world, don't worry I am going to save your relationships with you friends, families and better halves as I have created the top ten pet etiquette rules. Follow these rules and we won’t go wrong. 

1: Chairs and Bedding - This may be the normal procedure for your beloved pet to go on your soft furnishings, however, when visiting others we don't allow this unless permission is granted in advance. 

2: Ask before we feed - Never feed someone else’s pet without permission, owners may have them on strict diets or they might be allergic to something the same way us humans cannot eat things, therefore always ask.

3: Don’t stroke without permission - Our beloved pets may be like gentle little ‘Winnie the Poo’ to us but to someone else it might be more of a case of Jaws, therefore always ask before we stroke.

4: Always pick up their “manure”  – Unfortunately, our loved one’s (referring to the pets) may suddenly have to go, lets face it we have all been there, but sadly they are unable to deal with the aftermath so can we always make sure we bag and bin as soon as the procedure is over. 

5: Always ask before taking them with you - They may have been to palaces, castles, stately homes and the local spa, however Great Aunt Dorothy may not feel the same warmth toward your Bobo as you do; therefore always ask before taking them with you. Even if visiting a shop, always ask before you enter.

6: Never leave them with someone else without their permission - For some reason some people find it quite acceptable to suddenly pop off to the shops and leave the family pet with their best friend at a moment’s notice. We must always plan and ask in advance and we never assume.  If you have a pet visiting you, make sure you have plenty of water and a few treats.

7: Always give a gift to a pet sitter - If someone is good enough to look after your Cuddles, then may I suggest a little gift might be in order and I don't mean vouchers for the local Psychiatric ward but more a voucher for a local spa or if there is a budget, then a nice box of chocolates. 

8: Pay for any damage they may cause - Animals will be animals and to your shock, may have a mad five minutes, and your little Precious has either caused minimal damage or a scene that resembles a war zone, therefore always be willing to cover the costs of any damage. 

9: Don’t let other people trip over them - Our little babies can be a trip hazard especially when they are the size of a mouse, therefore we must always be aware of this.  In large crowds perhaps pick them up and carry them through the public, I doubt they will complain. 

10: Keep noise volume to an Alexa two.  - Our little sweeties can have large, loud voices similar to the local fog horn which I very much doubt the neighbours will appreciate; therefore perhaps ask them or even better train them to lower their beautiful voices.

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